If the Sharks didn’t get their Simple Lifestyle Calendars we have International Forgiveness Day and Friendship Day on the first Sunday of August. That forgiveness also can be extended to Hiroshima Day (Aug. 6) and Nagasaki Day (Aug. 9), sad anniversaries of the world’s first deployed atomic bombs. Before Dog Days end (Aug. 11) make sure and sample some juicy fruit to combat the sultry heat on National Watermelon Day (Aug. 3).
August is the perfect time to capture our youthful energy; check out how your meter is running on International Youth Day (always Aug. 12). If your energy is high (or if it’s not and you want to generate more) check out the Perseid Meteor Showers Peak (Aug. 12-13), when the earth moves through a sun-circling comet trail whose dust produces an average of 50-100 meteors per hour. Though not as visible this year due to the full Super Moon (Aug. 10 - Full Sturgeon or Grain Moon in the American backwoods tradition), this show is definitely worth arising at 4am to view the miraculous skies.
I teased my younger brother for years for being a ‘Lefty,’ so he enjoys his revenge on August 13, International Lefthander's Day, where special attention is paid to actions, tasks, and people who lead with their left hand. I don’t know if he was lefthanded or not, but I admire the spunk of American Orville Wright, born on August 19th, 1871 (also known as Aviation Day), who with his brother Wilbur is credited with inventing and building the first successful airplane. Another notable August birthday is that of Mother Teresa (born Aug. 27, 1910). I was introduced to Mother T. in 1983 and witnessed first-hand her miraculous bond with children in her Calcutta, India orphanage. She spent her life taking care of those she lovingly called “the poorest of the poor,” and we honor her on this day.
August 29 is not only More Herbs, Less Salt Day, but John the Baptist Day, preparer of souls for the ministry of Jesus who was beheaded Aug. 29, 30 A.D. I’m sure he would advise during the month of August to stay calm and clear-headed (in other words, "Don't lose your head!).