The vibrant foliage has mostly fallen, and the weather is finally chilly. This fall we are continuously grateful for the ongoing community of Appalachia-Science in the Public Interest (ASPI) patrons, partners, and participants who have supported us for over 47 years! ASPI continues serving the local community and Appalachian region without paid leadership staff, but a valuable team of volunteers and contract labor helps sustain our work. ASPI still provides access to housing, networking opportunities, educational programming, and partnership collaborations and contributions.
This year, we are saddened by the loss of three important founding ASPI icons who are also acknowledged in the 2025 calendar: founder Father Albert J. Fritsch (, former board member Marie Cirillo (, and homesteader and ginseng grower Syl Yunker who collaborated with ASPI early on ( They are greatly missed, and all left a lasting impact not only ASPI but many communities and practitioners in the Appalachian region.
This year, ASPI began serving as fiscal sponsor for fellow SPARK member Our Land of Promise (OPL), which is “dedicated to honoring and preserving African American heritage in Berea, Kentucky.” ASPI received a 2024 Radical Rest Grant as a voting organizational member of the Waymakers Collective: Appalachian Arts and Culture Assembly, and we nominated and directed part of this grant to OPL. ASPI also received a Folk Arts & Cultures Grant from the Berea College Appalachian Fund on behalf of OPL “to display and honor Black heritage in Berea through a series of events highlighting the historic and contemporary Farristown community and traditions.”

In October, we hosted nine University of Notre Dame service-learning students from diverse backgrounds for a week-long alternative fall break immersion experience, and one of the two student leaders returned from the past two years. The group got water from Climax spring; worked in the gardens and learned about solar energy at the ASPI Office; cleaned out the old Solar House shed at the Rockcastle River property where they also went on a meditative nature hike and had a cookout; and cleaned up two dump sites with Rockcastle Solid Waste. They also toured the Rockcastle County High School with the Principal and visited an Appalachian Studies class; hiked the Pinnacles; and enjoyed live music by Mitch Barrett. They finished the week with projects at four local Rockcastle County farms, which is one of their favorite annual activities. As ever, we are tremendously grateful for these Notre Dame students and their interest in the Appalachian region, as well as the positive energy and work ethic throughout the week!
Thanks to all these individuals and organizations for supporting our work, with special thanks to: Father Al Fritsch, Father Jack Kieffer, Judy Sizemore, Mark Spencer, Emily Parrish, Aaron and Jamie Banther, Jerry Bogie, Josh Bills, Danielle Capillo, River Jarvis, Loki Searles, Ron Owens and family, Jonny Wells, Erin Grace, Josh Merritt, Melanie Abbott, Jamie Ponder, Janet Kalitz, Warren Brunner, Bob Bagley, Lindsey Windland, John Fitzwater, Mitch Barrett, Holly Robinson, Brenda and Donnie Parsons, Ruff Family, Shannon Barrett, Alan Harding, Andrew Ozinskas, Phillip Gilbert, Leela Christina, James Renner, Mahala King, Amy Weinfurtner, Ketaki Bhattacharyya, Kopana Terry, Jen Bartlett, and Nancy Seaberg.
With your support, ASPI will continue maintaining and improving the Mt. Vernon and Livingston demonstration sites; implementing accessibility improvements; public access to a certified kitchen and EV charging stations; arts/culture programming; and ongoing community partnerships. We share our boundless gratitude for the generosity, enthusiasm, and engagement of our volunteers, partners, project contractors, donors, and calendar lovers. Thanks for your contributions to ASPI’s 47-year-old mission working for healthy land and sustainable communities in Kentucky and Central Appalachia. We wish hope, safety, and thriving fulfillment for our shared futures in 2025!
Timi Reedy (ASPI Board President) and Tammy Clemons (Board Secretary)